Sunday, August 28, 2011

Chapter 5. Special Ascendants

1. Oh excellent of the Brahmins, I explain below again some special ascendants, vis. Bhava Lagna, Hora Lagna, and Ghatika Lagna.

From Sunrise to the time of birth every 5 ghatis (or 120 minutes) constitute one Bhava Lagna. Divide the time of birth (in ghatis, vighatis, etc.) from Sunrise by 5 and add the quotient etc. to the Sun's longitude as at Sunrise. This is called Bhava Lagna.

Now listen to the method of working out Ghatika Lagna. This Lagna changes along with every Gatika (24 minutes) from the Sunrise. Note the birth time in Ghati and vighatis. Consider the number of ghatis past as number of Rasis or Ghatika Lagnas. The Vighatis be divided by 2 to arrive at degrees and minutes of arc past in the said Ghatika Lagna. The product so arrived in Rasis, degrees, and minutes be added to the Sun's longitude as at Sunrise to get the exact location of Ghatika Lagna. So say sages like Narada.

Keeping the planets at birth as it is, prepare various Bhava charts with respect to each special ascendant and analyze as done for the natal ascendant.

10-13 1/2. VARNADA DASA:
I now detail Varnada Dasa just by knowing which, one can deal with the longevity of a native. If the natal ascendant is an odd sign count directly from Aries to natal ascendant. If the natal ascendant is an even sign, count from Pisces to the natal ascendant, in the reverse order. Similarly, if the Hora Lagna is an odd one, count from Aries to Hora Lagna in direct order. If the Hora Lagna is an even one, count from Pisces to Hora Lagna in the reverse order. If both the products are odd signs or even signs, then add both the figures. If one is odd and the other is even, then know the difference between the two products. If the latest product, in this process, is an odd one, count so many signs from Aries in a direct manner; if an even one, count so many signs from Pisces in reverse order. The sign so known will be the Varnada for the ascendant.

Now listen to the use of the above. Out of the two, viz. natal ascendant and Hora Lagna, whichever is stronger, from there Varnada starts. If the natal ascendant is an old sign, the counting of Dasa is clockwise. Otherwise anti-clockwise. The lagna dasa years will equal the number of signs intervening between the natal ascendant and Varnada. Similarly for other houses.

16-20. Should a trine from the ascendant's Varnada be occupied or aspected by a malefic, the native will live only up to the Dasa of the said Rasi. Just as the Rudra planet in Soola Dasa is capable of causing evils, the above mentioned planets related to Varnada's trine be treated. The Varnada Lagna be considered as natal ascendant while the 7th from Varnada will denote the longevity of the spouse, the 11th longevity of elder brothers and sisters, the 3rd longevity of younger brothers and sisters, the 5th the longeveity of sons, the 4th longevity of mother and the 9th longevity of father. The dasa of the Soola Rasi will inflict greater evils.

21-24. Similar assessments be made with reference to the Varnada of each Bhava commencing the first and the evils and goods due to a nativity be known. These Varnada Dasas are only for Bhavas (Rasis) and not their occupants. The sub period of each Dasa will be one twelfth of the Dasa and the order will also be clockwise or anti-clockwise as explained earlier.

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